All-Church Bible Study

Wednesday, 2/5/25 at 6:30pm

About the Event

All ChurchBible StudyChildcare

On Wednesday evenings in February and March, Risen Hope will host a church-wide Bible study for adults, youth (middle school & high school), and kids (2nd-5th grade). Participants will study the second half of the Psalms and join group discussion. We believe that learning the Bible happens best when participants wrestle with the text, learn in community, and hear faithful teaching from within the church. The goal is to grow in biblical literacy for the sake of transformation.


The commitment of homework and teaching is at an accessible level where kids, youth, and adults can all benefit from this study. Kids in 2nd-5th grades and MS & HS youth will be in separate studies geared just for them but will also study the Psalms. This is an opportunity for friends, couples, and families to come to one venue to study the Bible together.

Childcare (1st grade and younger) will be provided for children of adult participants. There is no cost for the study or childcare this time, but we do need you to register (even if you participated in the fall) so that we can plan for discussion groups and children's activities. Thank you!

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