Jim & Debbie Olson


We desire to hospitably welcome you by opening the front doors as you arrive, sharing a warm smile, and helping you find your way around our church building. These are our practical expressions of hospitality as we receive guests in a warm, friendly, and generous way. 

Although hospitality starts at our front door on Sundays, we strive to have hospitality not end there. Throughout the New Testament, believers in Christ are commanded to show joyful and generous hospitality (Romans 12:13, 1 Peter 4:9). At Risen Hope Baptist Church, we look for ways to get to know and love each other, pray for one another, and meet with each other. In this, we aim to reflect Christ’s own hospitality to us. He came not to be served but to serve (Mark 10:45), to give His own life to make enemies of God into family members (Romans 8:15), and to invite us to His table (Mark 14:22-25).

If you have any questions about our Hospitality Ministry or would like to volunteer, please talk with us or send us an email.

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